Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment Capalaba & Victoria Point

Sometimes a root canal treatment may be necessary for treating an infected tooth but it does not have to be a scary procedure.

Emergency Dentist Capalaba & Victoria Point

At Redlands Gentle Dental Care we offer patients root canal Treatment (or endodontic treatment) to save a tooth

At our dental practices in Capalaba and Victoria Point, we offer root canal treatment as a virtually painless solution to treat and save teeth that are inflamed and causing discomfort. This procedure involves removing the inflamed or dead pulp from the tooth’s interior. The dental pulp is the soft tissue located at the core of the tooth.

A common query we encounter is, “Isn’t the pulp essential for a tooth’s survival?” Once a tooth is fully matured, the answer is no. In fact, a fully grown tooth can operate perfectly without its pulp. After extracting the affected pulp, we meticulously clean, sterilize, and shape the tooth’s canals to ensure they are sealed off completely. We then secure the tooth with a filling material to ward off any future infections.

How many appointments does root canal treatment need?

The number of appointments necessary will depend on the severity of your tooth’s condition. For minor cases one or two appointments will be fine. For a more severely affected tooth it will take considerably longer (three to four treatments). Especially if a tooth needs a dental crown after root canal therapy. Our team would only recommend a dental crown if you have had extensive treatment. The dental crown will protect and strengthen your treated tooth.

This is another reason why general check-ups are so beneficial

The easiest way to prevent the need for root canal therapy is regular dental check-ups. If decay is detected early it can be removed and the tooth saved with a filling. A filling is less invasive, more cost-effective and doesn’t involve removing all the pulp from your tooth: and it only takes one appointment.

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