Children’s Dentistry

Children's Dentistry Capalaba & Victoria Point

Redlands Gentle Dental Care offers children’s dentistry to help children start their oral health on the right foot

Do you realize the significance of baby teeth? At our Capalaba and Victoria Point locations, we often stress how these teeth are essential for jaw and speech development. Additionally, they play a pivotal role in ensuring the correct positioning for adult teeth.

If baby teeth experience decay and fall out prematurely, it can, and frequently does, impact the development of adult teeth. This underscores the importance of safeguarding the health of your child’s teeth at our Capalaba and Victoria Point clinics.

Children’s Dentistry Capalaba and Victoria Point

Consume less sugary food and drinks

Your child’s teeth are important. The growth and development of baby teeth will affect the growth and development of adult teeth. Consuming sugary food and drinks can:

  • Increase risk of tooth decay
  • Exposes your child’s teeth to acid—which can dissolve your teeth over time
  • Irreversibly damaged tooth structure to cause dental erosion

When your kids do have sugary food and drinks we recommend drinking water to rinse the sugar from their teeth, while this won’t completely remove the sugar it will minimise the sugar’s corrosive effects.

If you would like to know more about how Redlands Gentle Dental Care can help you, or to book an appointment, please contact us today.

Our Children Dentistry FAQs

At Redlands Gentle Dental Care, we offer the Child Dental Benefit Schedule. If you have a child between 2 and 17 and receive benefits like Tax Benefit Part A, you might be eligible for up to $1000 worth of dental benefits per child. This $1000 is for two calendar years and covers treatments such as:
  • Examinations
  • X-rays
  • Cleaning
  • Fissure sealing
  • Fillings
  • Root canal treatment
  • Extractions
Other eligibility criteria apply, so be sure to check with your healthcare provider to see if you’re eligible. The CDBS is a great way to help ensure your child has the best oral health. If you would like to know more about the CDBS and how Redlands Gentle Dental Care can help you, please contact us.

What many parents may not know is you do not need to wait for your child’s teeth to erupt before you look after their oral health.

After you feed your baby dentists recommend wiping their gums with a damp cloth. This cleans off sugar from their gums and helps with healthy tooth eruption.

Another way you can look after their oral health is by not putting them to bed with a bottle of milk or juice. Putting your child to bed with a sugary drink can adversely affect healthy tooth eruption. Ideally, give them water to protect their gums and general oral health.

Once their first tooth does erupt you can use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to clean their teeth and gums. A child’s first introduction to the dentist can be when they turn one, but it is a short hello when a parent or sibling visits.

A child’s first dental appointment is usually when they are 2-2 ½ years or when their molars start erupting. Redlands Gentle Dental Care has a team of family-friendly dentists who can make your child feel comfortable while they assess their oral health.

Generally speaking, your child’s first visit will just be to familiarise them with the dentist and to have a quick check to make sure your child’s baby teeth are growing properly. This appointment is often best done the same day you yourself have an appointment; that way your child sees it’s a normal, grown-up thing to do.

At Redlands Gentle Dental Care, we offer treatments such as fluoride treatment and fissure sealants to help improve and maintain your child’s oral health.

The best time to start bringing your child to visit the dentist is either around their first birthday or when their first tooth erupts. Bringing your child in then will allow one of our friendly dentists to check that your child’s oral health is progressing normally.

If you are concerned about whether or not your child needs braces, the best time for this assessment is around the age of seven. At this age, your child’s jaw is still malleable so if early intervention orthodontics is a viable option we will let you know and refer a reliable specialist.

Typically, children don’t need braces until they are in their early teens, however, early intervention orthodontics can either negate the need for braces or reduce the extent of the braces treatment later on.

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